Reflections on Wisdom, Leadership, Resilience, and Engineering Principles

Jul 14, 2024

I just turned 43 and here are some reflective thoughts on the matter.

As I celebrated my 43rd birthday on July 14, 2024, I found myself reflecting on the journey that has brought me here. Over the past 25+ years in the tech industry, I've witnessed remarkable transformations and faced countless challenges. These experiences have shaped my understanding of wisdom, leadership, resilience, and engineering principles in profound ways. Here, I share my reflections on these core values that have guided my career and personal growth.

Wisdom: The Art of Continuous Learning

Wisdom is often perceived as a culmination of knowledge and experience, but I believe it goes beyond that. It's about the art of continuous learning and the humility to accept that there is always more to understand. In the tech world, where change is constant, staying curious and open-minded is crucial. Throughout my career, I've made it a point to never stop learning, whether it's through exploring new technologies like JAMstack, Gatsby, Hugo, or diving deeper into established ones like PHP and Drupal.

True wisdom also involves listening—listening to peers, mentors, and even those we lead. By embracing diverse perspectives, we can make more informed decisions and drive innovation. Wisdom, therefore, is not just about what we know, but how we use that knowledge to grow and help others grow.

Leadership: Inspiring Through Vision and Empathy

Leadership, to me, is about inspiring others through a clear vision and genuine empathy. Leading cross-functional teams in developing robust, high-performance applications has taught me the importance of clear communication and setting a shared goal. A leader must be a visionary, but also a servant, understanding the needs and aspirations of their team members.

Empathy in leadership fosters a positive work environment where individuals feel valued and motivated. It's about recognizing and nurturing talent, creating opportunities for growth, and being there for your team in times of both triumph and challenge. My experience at Phase2 Technology and my current endeavors have reinforced the belief that a leader's success is reflected in the success and well-being of their team.

Resilience: The Backbone of Progress

Resilience is the backbone of progress, especially in an industry as dynamic as technology. Over the years, I've faced numerous setbacks—projects that didn't go as planned, technological hurdles, and even personal challenges. Each of these experiences has underscored the importance of resilience.

Resilience is not just about bouncing back; it's about learning from failures and using those lessons to drive future success. It's about maintaining a positive outlook, even when the road ahead seems daunting. In my journey, resilience has been the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term goals. It has taught me that setbacks are not the end, but rather opportunities to innovate and grow.

Engineering Principles: The Foundation of Innovation

At the heart of my career are the engineering principles that have guided my work. Principles like simplicity, scalability, and maintainability are crucial in building systems that stand the test of time. Whether developing APIs, engaging in data migrations, or architecting distributed systems, these principles have been my North Star.

Engineering is both an art and a science. It requires creativity to solve complex problems and a rigorous approach to ensure solutions are efficient and effective. The balance between these elements is what drives true innovation. My work with technologies like React, Node.js, and Drupal, as well as my contributions to the open-source community, have been rooted in these principles.


As I reflect on my journey at 43, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and people that have shaped my path. Wisdom, leadership, resilience, and engineering principles are not just abstract concepts; they are the pillars that have supported my growth and success. Looking ahead, I am excited to continue this journey, embracing new challenges and opportunities with the same passion and dedication that has brought me here.

Engineering Leadership

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