Rob Montero headshot

Rob Montero

Energetic, dynamic, and proactive. Caring, dedicated, trustworthy, and responsible. I find simple solutions to complex problems.

  • Rob at Nickelodeon

    Reflections on Wisdom, Leadership, Resilience, and Engineering Principles

    Jul 14, 2024

    I just turned 43 and here are some reflective thoughts on the matter. As I celebrated my 43rd birthday on July 14, 2024, I found myself reflecting on the journey that has brought me here. Over the past 25+ years in the tech industry, I've witnessed remarkable transformations and faced countless…

  • NextJsC0nf_

    NextJS Conference June 15, 2021

    Mar 31, 2021

    Next.js Conf is a special event to improve how you develop for the web. Claim Ticket → Let’s make the web. Faster. June 15, 9am PT Join industry leaders at ▲ Vercel like Guillermo Rauch @rauchg and learn how you can take your web applications to the next level with Next.js

  • Drupalcamp Costa Rica 2018

    Drupal Camp Costa Rica 2018

    Aug 6, 2018

    As the global delivery manager for WeKnowInc it is part of my job to empower our engineers to transcend from ticket takers to technical advisors, professional consultants that anticipate our clients' needs. Another part of my job, which I enjoy very much, is evangelism. We don't just stumble upon…

  • Drupal 8 Grand Master

    Drupal 8 Acquia Certification

    Mar 28, 2018

    In my current role, I wear two hats, one is the Global Delivery Manager, where I lead and manage a distributed team of highly regarded engineers, spread across multiple countries. I help them build their Personal Development Plans and volunteer myself to the first step in their escalation path to…

  • Web Experience Toolkit Screenshot

    Web Experience Toolkit your new favorite Drupal distribution

    Nov 20, 2017

    WHAT IS IT? Well think of it as the Canadian alternative to Open Public I stumbled upon it about 6 weeks ago, give or take. It sounded cool so I added it to my "Things to investigate when time allows" list. Boy, do I regret not having the time to do this sooner. It was such a rewarding experience.…

  • Article hero image, features building blocks.

    How to Create a Custom Block that Embeds Nodes in Drupal 8

    Sep 22, 2017

    This is a journey of epic proportions, not suited for the faint of heart. The other day we were looking for a way to embed a certain entity type and set the view mode, well a node, but it could've been any other entity type. Now this may seem like a fairly easy task at first, but you will need to…

  • Screenshot of the Achieve Internet website

    Achieve Internet: applied technology

    Aug 22, 2017

    I love technology. I love keeping up with the latest trends out there and staying as close as possible to the bleeding edge, but how often do you find yourself working on a project that is UX-rich and heavy on new technologies? Let's face it a project that needs Parallax, Responsive Web Design,…

  • The Git Logo

    HOW-TO: Create a global git ignore file

    Aug 8, 2017

    If you work on web projects day in and day out, you might want to make sure pesky cruft files don't get accidentally committed when you push code upstream. A great way to achieve this goal is to create a global git ignore file. To do this, first configure git to read this global git ignore file…

  • Cloud Storage

    Using an SSH Agent on Mac OS X

    Oct 14, 2016

    The SSH agent allows a user to enter their passphrase(s) for unlocking various SSH keys once at the start of a session to unlock the keys and from then on for the duration of the session the user no longer has to enter the passphrase. Conventionally setting up SSH agent for use is a bit of a pain…

  • HOW-TO Set up Drush on a GoDaddy shared hosting plan

    Sep 11, 2016

    Let me start by saying if you know what Drupal and Drush are, then you know this won't work unless you have SSH access to your box. Once you have SSH access to it, the deployment of Drush is fairly simple: SSH into your box. ssh Create an alias to run your dush script. alias…

  • Bootstrap vs Foundation

    Drupal Theme Showdown: Bootstrap vs Foundation

    Aug 22, 2016

    One of the great things about going to camps is getting exposed to new technologies and to what others are using. I have never been to a camp where I don't walk away with some new tool for my toolbelt. Whether it's performance, coding, front end, or backend tips and tricks, there is always…

  • HOW-TO: Setup XAMPP to use VirtualDocumentRoot in Mac OS X

    Aug 22, 2016

    I had a lot of trouble upgrading my XAMPP to run the latest PHP. So much so, that I decided to document what I did. First off, I downloaded the Mac version of XAMPP available from Apache Friends. I probably could use OS X’s built-in Apache server, but XAMPP is portable and in order to keep things…

  • HOW-TO check your code before committing it so you look like the pro you are

    Jun 26, 2016

    One of the best practices for high-performance web teams is to ensure quality by doing peer code reviews. You may already be aware of the Coder module, but have you tried the Coder Tough Love module and Drupal Code Sniffer project? The Coder module includes two developer modules that assist with…

  • HOW-TO tweak you php.ini on

    Jan 16, 2016

    I keep forgetting about this so I will make a post and hope I don't forget anymore. I had a new client who wanted to host with I tried to tweak the php.ini settings but it wasn't working. After banging my head against the desk for a couple of minutes I recalled that what they call root…